AGC - Acme Group of Companies
AGC stands for Acme Group of Companies
Here you will find, what does AGC stand for in Textiles under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Acme Group of Companies? Acme Group of Companies can be abbreviated as AGC What does AGC stand for? AGC stands for Acme Group of Companies. What does Acme Group of Companies mean?The based company is located in engaged in textiles industry.
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Alternative definitions of AGC
- American General Corporation
- Apollo Guidance Computer
- Asahi Glass Company
- Army Geospatial Center
- Advent Claymore Convertible Securities and Income Fund II
- Andrus Gerontology Center
- African Groundnut Council
- automatic gain control
View 173 other definitions of AGC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- ARC Almira Rent a Car
- AEWMI Absolute Environmental Waste Management Inc.
- ACC Apex Cabinet Company
- ASS Asheville Security Systems
- AIM Alliance Integrative Medicine
- AAPL Addiction Advertising Pte Ltd
- ANUCCE ANU Centre for Continuing Education
- AIFL Abbey International Finance Ltd
- AAM Active Affiliate Marketing
- ASL Alpha Schools Limited
- ACPL Arin Consultancy Private Limited
- AWLO African Women in Leadership Organisation
- AAHBS All About Hair Beauty Salon
- ACL Andhra Cements Limited
- ASID Africa Smart Investments Distribution
- ACL Allo Communications LLC
- ABC The Armoury Boxing Club
- ATLC Animated Traffic Law Center
- ACC Access Capital Corp.
- ABG Alaska Botanical Garden